#12 to 15

Trust your skills and take the opportunity

FIFA, 26 Apr 2022


This session starts with a shooting exercise involving two goals and two goalkeepers. Players then move on to different variations of 1v1, 2v1 and 2v2, where defenders must demonstrate quick reactions. The last exercise is a 7v7 game involving two goals, two goalkeepers and special rules for the defending team.

Warm-up: Combination play with finishing


  • Organise two teams, with two goals and goalkeepers
  • Players pass the ball in a sequence up the pitch, ending with a shot at goal
  • Players follow their pass, so they rotate positions
  • Try to limit teams to eight, so that players are always involved; set up more pitches if needed
  • Teams can race against each other to score, or count their total goals scored over three minutes, for example
  • Ask the players to design final passes near the goal that require different types of shot or technique

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Start with no goalkeepers

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Add a defender or chaser near the goal to make it more realistic

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you concentrate on accurate passes?
  • Can you remember to follow your pass?
  • Can you experiment with different types of shots?

Safety tips

  • Create a safe area for each team

Skill development: 1v1, 2v1 and 2v2


  • Organise two teams, two goalkeepers and two goals 
  • Each team takes turns to play 1v1, 2v1 and 2v2
  • The player who starts with the ball holds a bib
  • When in possession of the ball, the player can drop the bib to move a defender
  • The defender has to be within two metres before the bib can be dropped
  • The defender has to pick up the bib before he or she can recover and make a tackle
  • Encourage the players to use the bib to create time on the ball for themselves
  • Use another object (e.g. a cone) if you don’t have any bibs

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Let the player in possession drop the bib at any time

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Only allow the bib to be dropped when the defender is within one metre of the ball

 Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you think about the best time to use your drop?
  • On which side should you drop the bib, depending on where you want to run with the ball?
  • Can the defender watch the ball and watch for the bib?

Safety tips

  • Create a safe area for each team
  • Waiting players should wait beside the goals


Game application: 7v7 game with two goals


  • Organise two teams of seven, including two goalkeepers, and two goals 
  • Each team starts off holding two bibs
  • When a player holding a bib is in possession of the ball, he or she can drop the bib to move a defender
  • The defender has to be within two metres before the bib can be dropped
  • The defender has to pick up the bib before he or she can recover and make a tackle
  • Encourage the players to use the bib to create time on the ball for themselves
  • Use another object (e.g. a cone) if you don’t have any bibs

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Only let one team use the two bibs (after picking a bib up, the defending team continues to return it to the other team) 

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Only allow the bib to be dropped when the defender is within one metre of the ball

Great questions to ask the children

  • Can you think about when and where it is best to use your drops as a team?
  • On which side should you drop the bib, depending on where you want to run with the ball?
  • Can the defender watch the ball, watch for the bib and recover?

Safety tips

  • Create a safe playing area

Rate your experience

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