#4 to 8


FIFA, 04 Jan 2022


The session begins with a tag game for warm-up. For the second exercise, players are joined together in pairs and attempt to score against the opposing team. To end the practice, players participate in a 5v5 that focuses on reaction times and communication.

Warm-up: Tag games


  • Split the players into pairs; if you have an odd number, then have a group of three, who can also take turns
  • Organise them opposite each other and create games of tag
  • Build excitement: players can tag and run back to their safe zone
  • Think of different ways the children can move and run
  • Let the children create ways to move back to their safe zone
  • Allow players to win points against their partner so that they challenge each other

 Ways to make the exercise easier:

  • Let the players race without a ball or carrying the ball in their hands
  • Start with walking races 

Ways to make the exercise harder:

  • Increase the complexity of movements – focus on agility, balance and coordination
  • Make players use their right and left foot, so that they practise with both feet
  • Challenge players to approach their partner quietly and tag them by surprise

Great questions to ask the children

  • What should you do as soon as you have tagged your partner?

Safety tips:

  • If the exercise is taking place indoors, make sure a safe distance is left to the walls

Skill development: Playing in pairs


  • Ask the children to organise their own teams and select a partner
  • The children play as pairs, which must hold hands throughout
  • Try to make sure that players have a good amount of space to play in
  • Encourage the pairs not to all chase the ball, but also to find space ready to receive it
  • Focus on teamwork and player cooperation
  • Normal football rules, just played in pairs

 Ways to make the exercise easier:

  • Nominate only one player in the pair who can touch the ball
  • Start the game with no goalkeepers

 Ways to make the exercise harder:

  • Limit the number of touches per pair
  • Require each pair to take alternate touches of the ball when in possession

 Great questions to ask the children:

  • How does it feel to play as a pair?
  • What are the advantages?
  • What are the disadvantages?

Safety tips:

  • Make sure the players do not drag their partner around the pitch

Game application: 5v5, celebrate together


  • Two equal teams on the pitch, with no more than six players per team
  • Create multiple pitches so that everyone is involved
  • The game focuses on concentration – the players must remember to hug ASAP after a goal is scored
  • Remind the goalkeeper to stay as close to his/her team‑mates as possible, to be ready to join the hug

 Ways to make the exercise easier:

  • Only require all the outfield players to hug

 Ways to make the exercise harder:

  • Place a five-second time limit on the hug
  • Only require players to hug after every odd‑numbered goal (the first, third, fifth and seventh goal, etc.)

 Great questions to ask the children:

  • What do you need to do as soon as your team scores or concedes?
  • What is the best way to make a quick team hug? Discuss it as a team
  • How important is communication in this game?

Safety tips:

  • Create a safe zone between each pitch
  • Give players a short rest between each mini‑match, and drinks breaks if needed

Rate your experience

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