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Reactions and finishing

FIFA, 21 Dec 2021


In the first exercise, teams receive a visual signal to which they must respond by working together to score. The second drill sees individual players react to their designated number being called out by finishing on target as quickly as possible. To conclude the practice, players move to a 4v4 that emphasises working together to create opportunities for accurate finishes.

Warm-up: Passing and shooting


  • Four teams in four colours pass the ball between themselves on a pitch with two goals and two goalkeepers
  • When you show two colours, the respective teams race to cross the halfway line and score a goal in the  goal that is furthest away – the first team to score wins the point
  • Teams don’t all have to have the same number of players

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • The teams can score in the nearest goal to them when their colour is shown

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Every player in a team has to pass the ball before the team can shoot and score
  • Teams only have five seconds to score a goal
  • The other two teams can try to defend against the attacking teams

Great questions to ask the players

  • Do you react quickly when you see your team's colour raised?

Skill development: Dribbling and shooting


  • Players from two teams dribble in the middle area around cones or each other
  • Players on both teams have the same numbers. When you shout a number, both players race to score a goal in the nearest goal
  • Shout more than one number, so four players race

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Start with no goalkeepers

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Players can also block or delay their opponents before scoring themselves if they want to

Great questions to ask the players

  • Can you quickly accelerate towards goal when you hear your number?
  • Can you shoot early to score?
  • Rebounds still count, so can you follow up your shot?

Safety Points 

  • Make sure the goalkeepers are ready before you shout the number(s)

Game application: 4v4, cones as goals


  • Organise an area for 4v4 or 5v5 and on the outside of the area, make a square using cones of two different colours. To begin with, place two colours on two sides each to complete the square
  • For progression, mix the two colours around the square
  • The players compete for the ball in the middle and knock down their coloured cones on the outside at every opportunity; once all of their colours have been knocked down, the team can escape the square and win the game

Ways to make the exercise easier

  • Place a smaller number of cones on each of the lines

Ways to make the exercise harder

  • Place the cones in a random order around the square, so players have to seek them out

Great questions to ask the players

  • Can you identify the nearest cones in your colour to knock down?
  • Can you pass accurately to knock the cones down?
  • If you cannot knock down a cone, can you pass to someone who can?

Safety Points

  • Pick up and remove any cones that fall into the playing area

Rate your experience

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